The Executive meets monthly, and includes representatives from our research and cross-cutting themes, and each of the collaborating organisations.
The Executive is accountable to the ARC South London Board.
Members of the Executive
Rachel Allen
Capacity building lead, director of the Institute for Medical and Biomedical Education, St George's, University of London
Sabrina Bajwah
Clinical senior lecturer, King's College London and honorary consultant in palliative care
Ioannis Bakolis
Economics and biostatistics deputy lead, professor of biostatistics and epidemiology, King's College London
Mary Chambers
Patient and public involvement research deputy theme lead, professor mental health nursing, Director Centre for Public Engagement, Kingston University
Ray Chaudhuri
King's College Hospital representative (deputy), equality, diversity and inclusion representative for the ARC South London board, professor of neurology / movement disorders at King’s College Hospital and King's College London
Natasha Curran
Implementation and involvement lead, medical director, Health Innovation Network
Paolo Deluca
Alcohol research deputy lead, professor of addictions research, King's College London
Richard Dobson
Applied informatics, deputy lead, professor of medical bioinformatics, King's College London
Colin Drummond
Alcohol research lead, professor of addiction psychiatry, King's College London
Abigail Easter
Maternity and perinatal mental health theme lead, senior lecturer in maternal and newborn health, King’s College London
Lorna Fraser
Children and young people research theme lead, professor of palliative care and child health, King's College London
Cilla Harries
Capacity building theme, co-deputy lead and NIHR training lead, professor of occupational therapy, associate dean of research and director of the Research Centre at the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education at Kingston University & St George's, University of London
Michele Harris-Tafri
Communications co-lead, ARC South London, King's College London
Andy Healey
Economics and biostatistics theme, senior health economist, King's College London
Savi Hensman
Patient, public and service user involvement (PPI) coordinator, ARC South London, activist and writer
Irene Higginson
Palliative and end of life care lead, professor of palliative care, director of the Cicely Saunders Institute, and vice dean (research) at the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care, King's College London
Louise Hull
Implementation science research theme lead, postdoctoral research fellow, King's College London
Khalida Ismail
Professor of psychiatry and medicine, diabetes programme lead in the public health theme, ARC South London, King's College London
Rashmi Kumar
Trustee, Lambeth Patients and Public Participation Group (PPG)
Sabine Landau
Economics and biostatistics lead, professor of biostatistics, King's College London
Zoë Lelliot
Deputy co-lead, ARC South London, and director of King's Improvement Science
Matthew Maddocks
Deputy co-lead, ARC South London and deputy theme lead, palliative and end of life care, professor of health services research and rehabilitation, King's College London
Iain Marshall
Public health and multimorbidity theme, clinical senior lecturer, King's College London
Abigail Mensah
Founder Ladies in Waiting community group
Ann-Marie Murtagh
Director of research and innovation, head of nursing, King’s College Hospital, (King's College Hospital representative)
Caroline Norrie
Deputy theme lead, social care, research fellow, King's College London, NIHR Health & Social Care Workforce Research Unit/NIHR School for Social Care Research
Josephine Ocloo
ARC South London, senior researcher, King’s College London
Stan Papoulias
Patient and public involvement research theme lead, research associate and assistant director of Service User Research Enterprise (SURE), King's College London
Hilda Seleji-Paulo
Senior finance manager, research and development, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Mariana Pinto da Costa
Senior lecturer, King's College London and consultant psychiatrist, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Beverley Randall
Associate programme director, Mosaic Clubhouse
Kritika Samsi
Social care research lead, senior research fellow, King's College London
Lana Samuels
Public research panel member
Jane Sandall
Maternity and perinatal mental health deputy theme lead, professor of social science and women's health, King's College London, and head of midwifery research, NHS England and NHS Improvement
Nick Sarson
Communication co-lead, ARC South London, King's College London
Mandy Sekhon
Implementation science research deputy theme lead, lecturer in health psychology, St George's, University of London
Jane Stafford
Associate director of operations, ARC South London
Robert Stewart
Informatics theme lead, professor of psychiatric epidemiology and clinical informatics, and leads clinical and population informatics in the Maudsley NIHR Biomedical Research Centre
Tushna Vandrevala
Capacity building co-deputy lead, professor of health psychology, Kingston University
Andrew Walker
Implementation manager, ARC South London, head of evaluation and implementation science, Health Innovation Network
Ingrid Wolfe
Director, ARC South London and children and young people deputy lead, Director Evelina London Child Health Partnership, consultant in paediatric public health
Find out more
- View the Executive membership (July 2024)