A collection of resources to support public involvement in research

The implementation and involvement team at NIHR ARC South London have brought together a unique collection of resources designed to support involvement in research. These include guidance documents, books, podcasts, training, websites, toolkits and events.  

The resources cover essential aspects of involvement including: payment, co-production in research, participatory research, involving Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups, involving young people, inclusive language, evaluating research, research ethics and implementation. 

The resources are grouped by theme. We have indicated what the resource is, who it is designed for and have given a brief summary of what it contains. 

Download the collection

An introduction to carrying out involvement

In addition, especially if you are new to research or involvement or looking for key information, we have brought together some free resources below. These resources are suitable for public contributors, researchers or anyone wanting to carry out research.

About health and care research

Patient, public and service user involvement in research 


  • NIHR Glossary The NIHR has produced a list of words that are commonly used in health and care research and explanations of what each word means
  • NHS Jargon buster ‘Think Local Act Personal (TLAP)’ has a useful care and support jargon buster that includes terms related to health and social care
  • NHS Acronym buster The NHS Confederation has produced an acronym buster which contains over a thousand commonly used healthcare abbreviations
  • The qualitative open mic podcast A series of podcasts around a number of topics, including: what is qualitative research, evidence-based co-design and co-production with young people

Peer and participatory research

Community research

Involving children and young people

  • Young researchers guidance This guidance and toolkit by Barnados, aims to provide a inspiration and inclusive, accessible activities that researchers, project workers and others can use and adopt to support the children and young people  to undertake a research project 

Involving disabled people in research

Involving people online

Further information 

The resources listed above are only a brief selection of some recommended resources to give an introduction to involvement in research. If you have suggestions on resources that we should include, or would prefer to receive the resources in a format other than PDF, please email Savi Hensman, involvement coordinator at: savitri.hensman@kcl.ac.uk