
The CPD accredited Implementation Science Masterclass includes lectures from world-renowned experts in the field plus guidance to help participants work more effectively on their own implementation projects.

The course is led by international experts in the field of implementation science including: Dr Brian Mittman, senior research scientist at the Kaiser Permanente Southern California Department of Research.


The Masterclass will take place at King's College London, Strand campus

Watch a video of the highlights of the 2018 Implementation Science Masterclass

About the course

The first part of the course will provide general information on the field of implementation science, including definitions and descriptions of the aims and scope of the field, its policy/practice motivations and goals, and its relationship to other types of health research. For the first segment, advanced sessions will run in parallel with the general introductory lectures. The advanced sessions are for those who have more experience of using implementation science principles or who have attended previous Masterclasses. Details of the advanced sessions are to follow.

The second section of the course will cover the intervention issues in implementation science, i.e. guidance in planning and designing an implementation strategy and achieving successful practice change (quality improvement) in healthcare delivery or public health settings.

The third segment of the course will cover the 'evaluation' issues in implementation science, i.e., guidance for designing a comprehensive evaluation plan to measure and understand the impacts of an implementation strategy or to study naturally-occurring implementation processes, barriers and facilitators.

What will I achieve?

Following the first segment of the course, you should be able to define the field and distinguish implementation studies from other types of research, clearly describe an implementation study you wish to conduct (in terms of its background and motivation) and justify the type of study and methodology (with reference to the status of relevant implementation-related practice and evidence). You should also be able to describe the clinical or public health intervention you wish to implement or study.

Following the second part of the course, you should be able to describe a proposed approach for assessing an implementation or quality gap, identify its root causes and determinants, and design a multi-faceted, multi-level strategy for overcoming barriers to practice change. You should be able to describe relevant methods you would use to do this including the use of theoretical frameworks, pragmatic implementation planning frameworks, and other diagnostic and implementation planning tools.

Following the third segment of the course, you should be able to select an appropriate study design, specific key dependent and independent variables, and describe a rigorous and appropriate approach for assessing implementation processes (mechanisms of action) and outcomes (impacts) and the full range of factors influencing both of these.

Who is this for?

The course is aimed at health and social care professionals, researchers, patients and service users who want to make sure health and social care services routinely offer treatment and care that is based on the most recent clinical evidence and best practice standards.

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