The programme will build on models of partnering with community-based organisations (CBOs) across South East London, leveraging their ability to establish trust and engage with ‘seldom listened to’ communities. They will strengthen relationships across local research partners, map ICS priorities against the Applied Research Collaboration (ARC)/Clinical Research Network (CRN) local research portfolio and establish models for equitable partnership and collaborative prioritisation of NIHR research.

Through co-design they will implement a model to upskill communities in research capability so that CBOs are able to make informed and empowered contributions to research. They will also implement the Cultural Humility model to build capability, confidence and readiness of ICB and NIHR colleagues to work in novel, equitable and inclusive ways. ARC South London will evaluate outcomes and processes, with the key outcome of the project being to develop local research which is more meaningful to communities, better designed and more inclusive.

Read about the first phase of the Research Engagement Network Development programme.