The new collection features more than 80 resources, including guidance, books, podcasts, training, websites, toolkits and events, all of which are designed to support public involvement in research.
The involvement resources have been produced by a range of research organisations, including NIHR ARCs South London, ARC West, ARC Yorkshire & Humber, NIHR Biomedical Research Centres, King’s Improvement Science as well as universities, health charities and community organisations.
Covering essential aspects of involvement in research
The resources cover essential aspects of involvement in research including:
- approaches to co-producing research with the public, patients and service users
- advice for involving Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups, young people, and other groups underrepresented in research
- good practice in relation to payment of members of the public involved in research
- tips on inclusive language
- information for service users, carers and community members wishing to develop their research knowledge and skills
- guides to evaluating research and research ethics
- resources on how to implement research into practice.
Savi Hensman, ARC South London’s patient, service user, carer and public involvement coordinator, who worked on the collection, says: “We wanted to help people to carry out effective involvement in research by bringing together some of amazing existing knowledge and guidance available, into one place. We know that involving diverse people with relevant lived experience in research can play an important part in addressing some of the burning health and social issues affecting many people today. We hope this collection of resources will support and inspire new public involvement.”