ARC South London’s Social Care Theme aims to strengthen and support adult social care in south London and to design and implement sustainable community capacity among day services for adults accessing care and support.




Three older women dancing at tea dance

In the programme’s first five years (2019-2024), in addition to our work focusing on day centres, we have involved and engaged the social care sector and people researching social care, undertaken priority work with London Councils and supported social care capacity building through networks to widen research participation by under-represented people, implementing innovative methods, supporting the workforce to work with people living with dementia, supporting social care researchers, doing academic teaching and through involvement in the NIHR Dementia Research Programme (Dem-Comm) focusing on palliative and social care for people living with dementia.

Read a summary of our 5-year programme of work

We will continue the theme’s work through the funding extension which continues to focus on strengths-based approaches in social care and community services by researching the preventive role of at-home support services, developing involvement and engagement within the social care sector and supporting social care research capacity development.

Find out more

Read more about research in the social care theme.