Study aims
This study aims to determine the impact of the service delivery changes during the COVID-19 pandemic on:
- Identification of mental illness and domestic violence and abuse (DVA) during pregnancy
- Referrals to specialist perinatal mental health services during pregnancy
- Rates of spontaneous and iatrogenic preterm birth and low birth weight among women with mental illness or DVA
- Rates of new-onset and relapse of mental illness three months after birth.
How the research will be carried out
This study utilises existing data linkages between maternity and mental health records in south London from the eLIXIR database (early-LIfe data cross-LInkage in Research). Anonymous data related on two cohorts of women will be extracted from healthcare records describing:
1) Pregnancies booked for antenatal care before the start of the UK social-distancing measures in March 2020 and;
2) Pregnancies booked during the imposed social-distancing measures in the UK.
An interrupted time-series design will be conducted to calculate the differences in the rate of perinatal mental illness, DVA and alcohol and substance misuse. We will also compare mental health, pregnancy, and birth outcomes before, during and after birth. The analysis will be adjusted for potential confounding factors and correlations in the data over time.
The findings of this study will help understand the impact of service delivery changes during the pandemic and help inform future recovery of services. We will establish a unique birth cohort of women affected by perinatal mental health during the pandemic, who we can follow-up in future research to help identify long-term impacts on maternal and child health.
For further information about the project please contact Dr Abigail Easter