Outcomes, health and social care costs, symptom management and prevention
Outcome measures play a key role in capturing the complexities in managing and treating patients living with multiple health conditions.
Outcome measures play a key role in capturing the complexities in managing and treating patients living with multiple health conditions.
Through expanding our existing palliative and end of life care Outcome Assessment and Complexity Collaborative (OACC) and embedding outcome measurement into practice, we will reduce inequalities in care.
We will establish a palliative and end of life care Outcomes and Assessment Collaborative (OAC), building on the successful project developed under NIHR CLAHRC South London.
We look at ways of extending these measures upstream, directly to patients, families and clinicians, and into care homes to enable timely decision-making and expert care.
We will analyse existing patient data from palliative care services, collected in care and residential homes, neurology, respiratory and cancer services.
This will enable us to identify key symptoms and concerns, to characterise outcomes and care costs in different multimorbidity clusters.