How the project will be carried out
The project is a multinational randomised controlled trial of the INSPIRE intervention across five European countries – Denmark, France, Italy, Norway and UK – involving 340 participants. We will compare health services in these nations to understand how rehabilitation is integrated into oncology and palliative care services. Alongside this we will evaluate implementation, equity and access.
During data analysis, we will review other research evidence to connect our findings to existing knowledge, forming an international rehabilitation framework for incurable cancer patients. Throughout the project, we will involve health professionals, public and patients, including the European Cancer Patient Coalition, the largest European association for people with cancer.
Potential benefits of the research include:
- Providing evidence for cost-effective rehabilitation which can be delivered as part of routine care for people with incurable cancer
- Changing current practices by sharing findings with patients, clinicians, health and social care professionals, providers, policymakers, commissioners, governments and the public
- Understanding integration of rehabilitation, oncology and palliative care services in different healthcare systems across Europe
- New materials and training for palliative rehabilitation for adults with incurable cancer
Our collaborators
The project involves a multidisciplinary team across Europe. Coordination is led by the Hospices Civils de Lyon and scientific management by King’s College London.
Other partners are the European Association for Palliative Care, Fondazione IRCCS Instituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Azienda Unita Saintaria Locale di Reggio Emilia, Syddansk Universitet, Universitetet I Bergen, European Cancer Patient Coalition, Region Syddanmark, Lyon Ingenierie Projets and the University of Edinburgh.
The involvement of patients, service users, public and carers is essential to the project. In developing the research, it was discussed at two Cicely Saunders Institute co-design workshops. It was also presented to the ARC South London Public Research Panel.
The project has been adopted by ARC South London is expected to finish in August 2026.
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