The Dragon's Den provided an opportunity for researchers to present new or ongoing research to patients, carers, family and the public for immediate feedback.

17 PPI members attended the Dragon’s Den along with two researchers. Javiera Leniz and Lisa Brighton, presented on the topics of ‘Understanding cost of care for people with dementia at the end of life’ and ‘Addressing social isolation and loneliness in people with breathlessness’, respectively.

Catherine Harvey

PPI members made valuable contributions to both pieces of research. Following Javiera’s presentation public members commented on ‘invisible costs’ such as the physical and mental health needs of carers and loved ones. Following Lisa’s presentation public members emphasised the need for innovative good quality information and national and local support. Overall, the session was a success with one PPI member stating: “…the group sessions provided a very free ranging and lively discussion around the topics which hopefully the researchers were able to capture.”

The Dragon’s Den was organised by the new patient and public involvement PPI coordinator Cat Evans. Cat joins the CSI from Marie Curie where she supported public involvement activities and helped to administrate the research grants scheme.

To hear more about upcoming events at the CSI such as the virtual Dragon’s Den, and to engage with researchers on topics of interest, please visit and sign-up for the online public involvement forum: 

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